Dr. Angela Potter I PCOS Fertility Treatments

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Megan's Uplifting And Remarkable PCOS Story About Overcoming Infertility

Do you want to hear an uplifting and remarkable story PCOS story? That's exactly what I've got for you today.

Oh, and be sure to read all the way to the end. I will share with you the most important thing you can do with PCOS to help your fertility.

You are going to get the chance to hear this powerful PCOS story from Megan.

Megan started working with me a few months ago. She originally heard me speak on a PCOS podcast. In that podcast, Megan learned more about PCOS than from any other doctor.

Here's a sneak peak into the PCOS story that she shares below

Megan had been trying to get pregnant for the past 7 years. She was struggling with hormone imbalance and she didn't know what her body needed in order to get pregnant.

Megan also wasn't getting the PCOS support from any of her doctors. She did a lot of PCOS research on her own but nothing was working.

Hormone imbalance was a big issue for her. Her cycles weren't regular. She also didn't know when or if she was ovulating.

When Megan started working with me, she began my PCOS Fertility Protocol. Just a month later, she had a period that was 28 days.

That was very exciting for her!

She knew that was an important fertility step forward. In her mind, she also knew it was reasonable to wait a few more cycles in order to get pregnant.

But little did she know, her body was very much prepped and ready for pregnancy.

That following month, she had a positive pregnancy test. This was the first positive test she's had in the 7 years of trying! And now she's pregnant with a healthy baby boy.

Megan knows what it's like to be heartbroken every month seeing that negative pregnancy test. She also knows what it's like to be full of hope.

Now it's her mission to share hope to other women struggling with PCOS. This is why she wants to share her PCOS story with you.

Listen to Megan tell her remarkable PCOS Story here:

You can also ready Megan's PCOS Story in the transcript here.

Megan's story about overcoming infertility is not uncommon.

But you have to know how to put together the PCOS pieces for your own body in order to get there yourself.

When Megan had first reached out to me, there were some important missing pieces in her fertility journey. These missing pieces are ones I frequently see when it comes to improving fertility with PCOS.

Megan's PCOS Story: The Missing Fertility Pieces

Her doctor had just told her she had PCOS and brushed aside any of her questions about what she can do to optimize her health for PCOS.

She wasn't working with a doctor who could help her figure out her PCOS type and help her uncover why she wasn't ovulating or getting pregnant.

The Fertility Plan That Worked for Megan

When she began working with me, the first step we took was to directly work on those issues that were keeping her from getting pregnant.

First I helped her figure out her PCOS type.

I also got her on my PCOS Cycle Balancing Protocol to help regulate her cycles and improve ovulation.

In Megan's PCOS story, these things worked quickly. In a short amount of time, she got a 28-day cycle and then was pregnant in the following month.

I can tell you that not everyone gets pregnant this quickly.

But the most important thing you can do with PCOS to help your fertility is to uncover your own missing fertility pieces and get those addressed.

You need to uncover the root cause of what is keeping your body from having regular periods. What is preventing your body from ovulating? What is causing your body to not hold on to a pregnancy?

Is it too much testosterone? Too little progesterone? Just to name a couple.

Once you figure that out, then you need a plan that addresses those issues.

That is the single most important step to take in order to improve your chances of getting pregnant with PCOS.

Too often I see women with PCOS going on cycle after cycle of letrozole or clomid. They are wishing and hoping that this medication will finally allow them to get pregnant.

And yet cycle after cycle, they don’t get pregnant.

These fertility medications are not bad.

But if you use them as the first and only option for fertility? Too often, that keeps your chances of getting pregnant low.

If you haven't addressed the root cause of your fertility issues, you can take as many rounds of fertility meds or IVF as you want, and your chances of getting pregnant are still low.

Don't let this happen to you.

Get to the root cause of your fertility struggles and get a powerful fertility plan in place that helps improve your chances of getting pregnant.

Get started by booking a PCOS Fertility Breakthrough Session.

This is what you will discover during your PCOS Fertility Breakthrough Session:

  • How to turn around your PCOS frustrations to be closer to reaching your fertility goals.

  • Why what you’ve been doing is leading you away from optimal fertility and what actually works.

  • What’s been missing from your care that’s keeping you from seeing results.

  • Clear step-by-step guidance to have your best chance at becoming pregnant.

Click here to get started

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